Microelectronics, branch of electronic technology devoted to the design and development of extremely small electronic devices that consume very little electric power. Although the term is sometimes used to describe discrete electronic components assembled in an extremely small and compact form, it is often taken as a synonym for integrated circuit
technology. Discrete components that can be made using microelectronic techniques include resistors, capacitors, and transistors; inductors are excluded for practical purposes.
technology. Discrete components that can be made using microelectronic techniques include resistors, capacitors, and transistors; inductors are excluded for practical purposes.
Photonics is the technology that uses light, almost always from a laser. Often this means sending information from one place to another. It might be words and pictures, music and video, voice, internet, or almost anything else you can think of.
by: Christopher C. Davis
Although the physical principles underlying the laser were first explained by Albert Einstein early in this century, it was not until the Spring of 1960 that Theodore Maiman, working at the Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California, produced the first operating laser. This laser, which used a special ruby crystal, produced intense flashes of red light, a light with properties quite different from that emitted by conventional sources. A laser emits light in a very narrow beam– much like a searchlight. Laser light is very spectrally pure -- it is of a very pure, well-defined color -- and is very bright. These properties make a laser ideal for shining light from place to place over long distances, and it was soon proposed that this provided new opportunities to expand the usefulness of optical communication links.
The most widely used type of laser is the semiconductor laser, which has much in its technology in common with the semiconductor devices that we use in modern electronic devices. The principal difference between these two semiconductor technologies is that conventional electronic semiconductors are almost exclusively based on the element silicon, whereas semiconductors used in lasers (and related so-called optoelectronic devices) are based primarily on mixed semiconductors made up from gallium (Ga) and arsenic (As) , and often aluminum (Al) as well. It is semiconductor lasers made up from GaAs/GaAlAs that provide the light for optical communication along optical fibers.
Optical communications systems have a long history. Ancient man signalled with smoke and fire, often relaying messages from mountain top to mountain top. However, this optical communication scheme had limited transmission capacity. They could serve as a warning, as Queen Elizabeth the First of England planned when she had a network of bonfires erected to be set in the event of a seaborne invasion from Spain. The smoke signals transmitted by native Americans had the capacity to transmit various messages. Since the end of the eighteenth century messages have been passed by semaphore – the use of flags to indicate the transmission of one letter at a time. This form of communication could transmit information at a rate of about one letter per second over a direct line of sight, although messages could be relayed over long distances. Such means of communication were not very secure: anyone in the line of sight to the message sender could read the information (if he knew the code). The message could also be intercepted and altered during the relay process as the Count of Monte Cristo did to his advantage .
The main use of photonics is in the telecommunications industry. Optic fibres are a fraction of the cost of copper cables and can carry much more. The first undersea optic fibre could carry more information than the total of all the copper communications cables ever made.Photons instead of electrons
By replacing electronics with photonics we’ll have circuits that use light instead of electricity. Computers that run on light will be able to run at incredible speeds. Artificial intelligence, realistic virtual reality, it’s all finally just round the corner.
by Dave Budden
Narrative/ Things I learned
The group was the first to present it with the use of technology by having power point presentation for their reports. They also planned a fun- filled activities because they integrate the use of media to deliver information. From these reporters, i really admired their creativity.
From their reports, they highlighted the usage of microelectronics and photonics.
First, technology changes conditions but does not determine comparative advantages. Secondly, the entire industrial infrastructure is becoming increasingly abstract, based upon technologies and guided by science. Thirdly, the all-pervasive characteristics of information technology will affect to different degrees of industries and productive activities. Sources: Book of Christopher Davis about Optics Technology
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