" Technology and Society in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age "
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. ~Aldous Huxley
The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric period, lasting about 2.5 million years, during which humans and their predecessor species in the genus Homo, as well as the earlier partly contemporary genera.Bone was used during this period as well, but finds of bone tools are rare compared to the millions of stone tools that have been collected from the surface or excavated. Bone is much softer than the two types of hard material used by early man: stone and metals. During the Stone Age, metalworking was entirely beyond human capability.
The Bronze Age is a period in a civilization's development when the most advanced metalworking consisted of techniques for smelting copper and tin from naturally occurring outcroppings of ore, and then alloying those metals in order to cast bronze.
The Bronze Age (c. 3300–2500 B.C.) represented an important advance in technology because people in the Middle East (present-day southwest Asia and northeast Africa) developed metallurgy, the science of separating metals from ores (minerals). That is, after digging ores they separated the metals, which they combined by melting. As they gradually learned to form metal into objects, they no longer had to rely on stones, bones, or wood for tools and weapons, which had previously been used during the New Stone Age (c.10,000–c. 3500 B.C.; Neolithic Period). The early Bronze Age (c. 3300–3500 B.C.) overlapped with the New Stone Age. During this period people made implements from pure copper, which tended to be brittle.The Iron Age is the period in any area during which cutting tools and weapons were mainly made of iron or steel. The adoption of this material coincided with other changes in society, including differing agricultural practices, religious beliefs and artistic styles.In archaeology, the Iron Age is the stage in the development of any people where the use of iron implements as tools and weapons is prominent.
Source: Wikipedia
Narratives/ things I learned
There are three Age Systems in the Ancient time Period. This composed of: Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The three Ages was the starting point of the development of technology. In the first age, where simple tools was discovered and the tools were highly made up of different stones from caves. The Second age, the used of copper were highly identified through the present of weapons used for finding foods and protection.In the third age, the used of irons and metal was highlighted through the tools they're using by that time.
The group presented the topics very well. They prepared different activities that engaged the class to a fun- filled discussions. The result of my quizzes is a proof that I learned so much from the topics. Ive got the scores of : 7, 10, and 13.
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